The reasons for choosing natural antioxidants against synthetic is not based only on their antioxidant activity. Most food additives, including synthetic antioxidants such as BHA, BHT, gallates, are under rigorous investigations by government agencies. There is a pressure that is increasing by consumer groups to reduce the amount of synthetic additives in food so it is becoming increasingly difficult for manufacturers using this type of antioxidants. The food manufacturers have a difficult choice: either make their products without sufficient protection against oxidative deterioration, or seek alternative additives that are accepted by both the laws and by consumers. There toxicological evidence that synthetic antioxidants have long-term adverse effects and it is important for food manufacturers to reduce the risks to consumers as possible. Natural products with antioxidant activity have been used for centuries and have been considered fit for human consumption, which is a series of significant incentives to use natural antioxidants. Synthetic antioxidants are very volatile at high temperatures (baked goods, fried, ...) however food based antioxidants tocopherol tolerate very high temperatures so they remain in the final product processed. Natural antioxidants are already used, not only wherever necessary to prevent oxidation, but also as an ingredient (as well as vitamin and trace elements) which represents an added value in the final food products. Food adequately protected against oxidative degradation by using natural antioxidants are considerably increasing its half-life.